
Conference fees

Registration fees include attendance to the conference, conference materials, coffee breaks, welcome cocktail, lunches for the 27, 28 and 29 of June, and the conference dinner.

Feesbefore May, 15 2016

after May, 15 2016

Regular 180 euros 230 euros
Student 150 euros 200 euros
Normandy student1 0 euros 0 euros
Accompanying person 125 euros 125 euros

1For Normandy students, it does not include neither the lunches nor the conference dinner. They can be paid separately for 100 euros.

Accepted payment methods:

  • Bank transfer
  • For French laboratories: bon de commande (see below)


Registration procedure

Only online registration is available.

To register, connect first to your personal account by identifying yourself in the left-hand MY SPACE menu. If your are new to, create an account and follow instructions.

Once connected, get to the Register page of the MY SPACE menu and complete the form.

Once registered, you will receive confirmation and payment instructions by mail.

Thank you for registering to IMAMPC 2016. If you have any problem, please send an email to


For French Laboratories only: paiement par bon de commande

Si vous travaillez dans un laboratoire de recherche français, vous avez la possibilité de demander à votre institution de payer les frais d'inscription par bon de commande à l’université du Havre.
N'oubliez pas que votre inscription ne sera prise en compte qu'une fois le paiement effectué!

Online user: 1